Organizational Reviews

When is the last time you took a step back and examined your organization as a whole? Synergist consults with companies, non-profits, and individual departments looking to assess their organizational structure and operational efficiency. We delve deep into your organization to forge a mirror image of precisely what it is you do and what makes your organization tick. We look for redundancies, bottlenecks, conflicts and other areas of concern that lead to inefficiencies or possible crisis. We conduct our independent review via personal interviews with management and staff and conclude with a formal report presentation summarizing findings and recommendations.

Possible signs you need an organizational review:

  • Difficulty attracting and retaining employees
  • Power struggles and relationships are getting in the way of progress
  • Day-to-day activities are not aligned with your strategic plan
  • A growing absence of accountability
  • Ethical lines are becoming blurred
  • Lack of adherence to organizational structure