Communications Audits & Plans

How are you sharing information with stakeholders? Are you using social media effectively to connect with audiences? Are you you publishing agendas and minutes online? How do you get information back to the public? What are your protocols for sharing information internally and with the public? How are you ensuring citizens are engaged and feel connected? In short, what are you really saying to the world? A Communications Audit will identify strengths and weaknesses to improve channels and focus planning on actionable strategies with the greatest potential outcomes.

The audit can take anywhere from one (1) to two (2) months and will give your Administration and Board or Council members a clear picture of how well you are currently communicating with your public and other key community stakeholders. While organizations and communities may appear to be similar on the surface, when it comes to communications, each is unique with varying visions, priorities, challenges, skill-sets and resources.

Synergist collaborates with Administrations, Councils and Board members to assess levels of connection and engagement with stakeholders and to evaluate the effectiveness of current messaging at "spreading the word."

  • Review how communications is managed and controlled
  • Review public, customer feedback, consultation mechanisms and channels
  • Review existing plans, policies and protocols, including Crisis Communications Plans
  • Assess competency and training of staff responsible for communications
  • Review strategic direction and priorities to ensure messages are aligned
  • Review existing communications tools such as newsletters, websites, and social media channels
  • Recommend changes and enhancements of tools, practices and processes

The resulting Communications Plan is informed by information collected through the Audit as well as additional information gathered from administration and municipal departments serving to outline an overall communications framework.

  • Identify key communications challenges and opportunities
  • Identify and prioritize what key messages need to be communicated to each audience
  • Develop Communications Strategy
  • Outline communications goals and objectives
  • Review communications budget
  • Outline communications tactics and tools
  • Develop Implementation Plan
  • Develop detailed action plan including timing, strategies, tactics and tools required
  • Oversee development/refinement of communications tools
  • Develop communications protocols and charters
  • Draft policies for using social media, sharing information within Council/Board etc.